Site icon McKenzie B.


Have you ever asked yourself,

“What is my one true calling?”

Or felt like,

“I really need to find my thing.”


“I don’t feel like I’ll ever be successful if I spread myself into all my interests.”

If so, you’re like me, and maybe we are more normal than we thought. I’ve always struggled with narrowing down my efforts and interests, because I love so much. I love to learn. I love to create. I love science.  I love art and design. I love makeup and exercising… and coffee, and shoes and dangly earrings, and traveling, and new recipes. There’s obviously not a job out there that combines ALL of these things, but I have a need to do them all…. so what’s a girl to do? Maybe, we can start by changing our mindset on the need to narrow down the talents we’ve been given.

I learned a new word recently, and it completely changed my view of being a modern “Renaissance Woman”

The word is multipotentialite…literally, someone with multiple potentials. It can be defined as someone with many interests and creative pursuits. Multipotentialites have no “one true calling”. These are those of us that want to do it all, even when the world pushes you to hone in on one thing.

I believe your whole self must be brought to the table to THRIVE in today’s world. That includes you and all of your varied talents, all of your interests, all of your efforts, and all of your heart. And that’s why I’m creating my own outlet to thrive. I can’t wait to see what this outlet has in store, and I’m thrilled you are joining me.

So what will you find here? First of all, a loving place…where you can tap into your potential in a plethora of fields. That might look like: a makeup tutorial, a new positive outlook or outfit, before and afters of a home renovation, the process of designing a logo for a client, how one field intertwines with another, how to cultivate your creativity, thoughts on medicine, science, relationships and faith…the list goes on.

Leonardo Da Vinci said, “Wisdom is the daughter of experience.” So, friends, let’s not hold back our potential any longer. Let’s stop thinking about our “jack of all trades, master of none” mindset as a liability, and claim it as our strength. Let’s experience together.

Wisdom is the daughter of experience –Leonardo Da Vinci

b. well,

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